How to do Wazifa Tijaniyya?

Wazifai: QuestionsHow to do Wazifa Tijaniyya?
Nurah asked 8 months ago
2 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 7 months ago

To do the Wazifa in the Tijaniyya order, first, do clean yourself. Make sure your body, clothes, and the area are clean. Preferable wear white clothes. Set your intention to do the Wazifa.

Start by asking for forgiveness from Allah by saying "Astaghfirullah Al Aziim alazii laa ilaaha illaa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyoum" thirty times. Next, recite Salatul Fatihi fifty times. This prayer goes like this: "Allahumma salli ala Sayyidinaa Muhammadin el faatihi limaa ughliqa, wal khaatimi limaa sabaqa, naasiri-l-haqqi bil haqqi wal haadi ilaa siraatiqa-l-mustaqiim, wa alaa aalihi haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi-l-aziim."

After that, say "La Ilaaha illa laah" one hundred times and then "Seyyidunaa Muhammadu Rasoulullaah, Alayhi Salaamullaah." Finally, recite Djawharatul Kamaal twelve times.

Do Wazifa Tijaniyya on Fridays and between the Asr and Maghreb Namaz, recite "La Ilaha illAllah" one thousand to sixteen hundred times. This practice brings many blessings.

Khalid answered 6 months ago

Akhtar Bhai Friday Between Asr and Maghreb I stay at my shop can I perform Wazifa Tijaniyya another time after Isha for example?

Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer replied 6 months ago

I understand that you are busy at your shop between Asr and Maghrib, which is the recommended time for the Wazifa Tijaniyya. However, if you are unable to do it during that time, you can perform the Wazifa after Isha Namaz or whenever you are free.

Just make sure you are clean, wear clean clothes, and have a good intention before you start. The important thing is to be sincere and do the Wazifa Tijaniyya regularly, even if it is at a different time.

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