What are symptoms of kala jadu?

Wazifai: QuestionsWhat are symptoms of kala jadu?
Leila Banoo asked 2 months ago
1 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 21 mins ago

Kala Jadu acts on different people differently because various types of Jadu are used for different purposes. This is why the symptoms of Kala Jadu can vary from person to person. There are many symptoms of Kala Jadu and some of them may not be mentioned here, but these are the most common symptoms of Kala Jadu.

  1. Bad smell during cooking food.
  2. In dreams seeing dogs, dead people, ants, snakes, spiders, lizards, and cockroaches.
  3. Constant headaches without any apparent cause.
  4. Loss of motivation.
  5. Extreme fearfulness.
  6. No reason of crying and screaming.
  7. Constantly feelings of sadness and depression.
  8. General doubtfulness and suspicion about everything.
  9. Feeling sick almost every day.
  10. Financial losses or money disappearing.
  11. Obstacles in every task.
  12. Constantly facing bad luck.
  13. Strong self-hatred.
  14. Unwillingness to study.
  15. Losing interest in family and home life.
  16. In dreams seeing unhygienic conditions.
  17. Anxiety.
  18. Impatience.
  19. Feeling hungry even after eating.
  20. Memory problems or forgetfulness.
  21. Laziness and lack of energy.
  22. Fatigue without doing much physical work.
  23. Increased anger or irritability.
  24. Thoughts about death or feeling like you are going to die soon.
  25. Excessive hair loss.
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