What are the symptoms of black magic at home?

Wazifai: QuestionsWhat are the symptoms of black magic at home?
Sakeena Sha asked 2 weeks ago
1 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 1 week ago

There are many symptoms of black magic at home, but these are the most common:

  1. Family members frequently fighting over small issues or for no reason.
  2. Feeling uncomfortable at home and unable to relax.
  3. Wanting to leave the house as soon as you are home, feeling uneasy staying inside.
  4. Frequently losing items like keys.
  5. Hearing knocking sounds on windows or doors but finding no one there.
  6. Detecting unusual odors in the kitchen.
  7. Unexplained structural damage appearing, such as cracks in walls or floors.
  8. Sensing shadowy movements.
  9. Family members struggling with nightmares or insomnia.
  10. One family member getting sick, and as soon as they recover, another falls ill.
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