What are the symptoms of Black Magic?

Wazifai: QuestionsWhat are the symptoms of Black Magic?
Shahnaz BiBi asked 1 month ago
1 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 1 week ago

These are the most common symptoms of Black Magic.

  1. Bad smell when cooking
  2. Dreams involving dogs, dead people, ants, snakes, spiders, lizards, or cockroaches
  3. Constant headaches without cause
  4. Loss of motivation
  5. Extreme fearfulness
  6. Crying and screaming episodes
  7. Feelings of sadness and depression
  8. Doubting everything
  9. Frequent sickness
  10. Unexplained financial loss
  11. Obstacles in every task
  12. Persistent bad luck
  13. Lack of interest in studying
  14. Losing interest in family and home life
  15. Unhygienic conditions in dreams
  16. Anxiety
  17. Impatience
  18. Hunger even after eating
  19. Constant feeling of fear in the heart
  20. Weak memory
  21. Laziness
  22. Self-hate
  23. Fatigue without exertion
  24. Increased anger
  25. Fear of dying soon
  26. Excessive hair loss
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