1 Answers
These are the most common symptoms of Black Magic.
- Bad smell when cooking
- Dreams involving dogs, dead people, ants, snakes, spiders, lizards, or cockroaches
- Constant headaches without cause
- Loss of motivation
- Extreme fearfulness
- Crying and screaming episodes
- Feelings of sadness and depression
- Doubting everything
- Frequent sickness
- Unexplained financial loss
- Obstacles in every task
- Persistent bad luck
- Lack of interest in studying
- Losing interest in family and home life
- Unhygienic conditions in dreams
- Anxiety
- Impatience
- Hunger even after eating
- Constant feeling of fear in the heart
- Weak memory
- Laziness
- Self-hate
- Fatigue without exertion
- Increased anger
- Fear of dying soon
- Excessive hair loss
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