What does the evil eye do to you?

Wazifai: QuestionsWhat does the evil eye do to you?
Fatima asked 6 months ago
2 Answers
Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer answered 5 months ago

The evil eye do bring bad luck or harm to people. It happens when someone looks at you with jealousy or a bad intention. If you are affected by the evil eye, you might feel sick or have problems in life. Here are some common things does the Evil Eye to you:

  • You keep getting sick, even though you were healthy before.
  • Your face might start looking different or you get pimples.
  • You feel sad, scared, or worried for no reason.
  • Your business starts to fail
  • Your study performance become low in school.
  • You feel tired all the time and can’t focus on anything.
  • You get headaches or stomach pain.

For babies, the evil eye can make them cry a lot, stop drinking milk, or have an itchy nose.

Asma Javeed answered 2 months ago

Always something happens to me I go out I lose my keys I feel an itchy nose and I get headaches often. Is all this due to Evil Eye?

Akhtar Bhai Spiritual Healer replied 2 months ago

It does sound like you might be affected by the Evil Eye, especially if these types of incidents happen frequently and without explanation. Some people are naturally more sensitive to it and can attract this kind of energy more easily. I can help you remove the Evil Eye permanently and place a strong protection around you, ensuring you won’t be affected by it again in the future. Feel free to contact me.

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